Where to Spend Your Money on a Bathroom Remodeling Project
If you have ever looked at ?Before and After? images of bathroom remodels, you?ll recognize what an astonishing transformation a professional make-over for a bathroom can be. A drab, functional room turns into something sparkling, fresh?the most pleasant place to begin and end a day. And the remodeling can go deeper than the surface level with more efficient appliances that save water.
You have so many options when you choose to have bathroom remodeling in Aurora, CO, that you may feel a bit overwhelmed. We have advice on some places to focus when it comes to designing the ideal bathroom remodel. However, every homeowner will have his or her individual ideas for what will make the ?best? remodel; make sure that you work with skilled remodelers in order to receive the top results from the choices you make.
To get started with a full-service remodeling company, call Striking Remodels by Bell. We will handle all aspects of your new bathroom, from start to finish.
Ideas for where to spend money during a bathroom remodel
- Water-saving fixtures: A low-flow toilet, sink faucet, and showerhead are perfect examples of thinking long-term when it comes to remodeling. Each of these installations can reduce annual water use by a third, significantly lowering your bills and helping the environment at the same time. Current low-flow technology means you won?t have to sacrifice quality for the sake of efficiency.
- New lighting: Never underestimate the power of lighting to change the look of a room. Removing old, ugly, and inefficient lighting with softer and energy-saving lamps will give a bathroom a more inviting look that removes ugly glare but still provides sufficient illumination for your needs.
- New paint job: This is a simple and inexpensive way to immediately make the bathroom more lively.
- Heated towel rack: There are many luxuries you can choose for a bathroom. One that has become almost a standard in Europe is the heated towel rack. These appliances don?t provide you with warmer towels, but instead dry the towels off, removing excess moisture from the bathroom. They also help keep the bathroom warm during cold days, and they can make an attractive part of the room design.
- New sink: Few fixtures in a bathroom offer as much versatility as a new sink. Pedestal, under-mount, over-mount, vessel, wall-mount… you have numerous choices that offer different ways to enhance the bathroom, whether increasing storage space or beautifying the room.
Call one of our remodeling experts at Striking Remodels by Bell today to explore the other options available for bathroom remodeling in Aurora, CO.