Upscale vs. Mid-Range Kitchen Remodels
People choose to have kitchen remodeling done for a variety of reasons: to give a home interior a fresh look, to accommodate a growing family, to make the kitchen more accessible and easier to use, and to increase the value of the house. Often, all of these reasons are combined, and the result is a superb return in value for the amount invested in remodeling.
There are two basic categories of kitchen remodeling, as recently discussed in Remodeling magazine: mid-range and upscale. When you choose a mid-range to remodel for a kitchen, you are investing in replacing countertops and resurfacing cabinets, plus new sinks, fixtures, and appliances. An upscale remodel includes more new construction and possibly a complete redesign of the kitchen layout. Sometimes an upscale remodel will include full plumbing replacement.
Striking Remodels by Bell offers both mid-range and upscale kitchen remodels in Henderson, CO, and the surrounding areas. We are here to provide you with the new kitchen that you want within your budget. Contact us for an initial consultation, and find out what type of kitchen remodel will give you the best return on investment, both in terms of your home’s value and your family’s home life.
The choice between upscale and mid-range may simply depend on your budgetary plans. Remodeling found that kitchen remodels provided one of the best returns on investment, with less expensive mid-range remodels returning a better cost-to-value ratio, although any kitchen remodeling proved better than most other types of home remodeling projects, such as a home office. The mid-range kitchen remodel was indeed one of the best remodeling values available, with a cost-to-value ratio of 74.2%. The upscale kitchen remodels ranked close behind it.
Your choice will ultimately come down to your long-term plans. You may receive a smaller return on the upscale remodel, but the benefits of a fantastic new kitchen are hard to deny, especially if you plan to use it for many years. The best option you have is to hire a quality full-service remodeler who handles all aspects of the remodeling to help you with your plans. You will find it difficult to go wrong when someone experienced helps you decide how best to remodel your kitchen.
Striking Remodels by Bell has worked on kitchen remodels in Henderson, CO for many decades. You will have a hard time finding remodelers with a longer history of providing quality jobs for all budget levels.
Contact Striking Remodels by Bell today or stop by our showroom to get started on the right kitchen remodel for your home.